29 Ekim 2018 Pazartesi

Türk ve Yunan Futbol Takımları

En çarpıcı benzerliklerden biri futbolda!

Bizim 3 büyüklerimiz İstanbul kulüpleri Galatasaray, Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe, onların 3 büyükleri Atina kulüpleri AEK, Olimpiakos, Panathinaikos…  Onların 4. Büyüğü, bir başka sahil kenti, Selanik kulübü PAOK, bizim 4. büyüğümüz bir diğer sahil şehri Trabzon kulübü Trabzonspor!

Üstelik bu kulüplerden meşhur AEK, adı, Türkçe’de “İstanbul Spor Birliği” anlamına gelen “Athlitiki Enosis Konsatantinoupoleos”, PAOK da, Türkçe’de “İstanbulluların Selanik Spor Takımı” anlamına gelen “Panthesalonikis Athlitikos Omilos Konstantinoupoliton” 

AEK, Rumların bizim Kurtuluş Savaşımızın hemen ardından 1924’te, PAOK ise 1926’da kurdukları kulüpler! 

Üstelik Yunan Süper Ligi’nde “İzmir doğumlu” kulüpler de var; Yunan futbolunda her zaman kendi çapında söz sahibi olan Panionios ile şu sıralarda Süper Lig’de tutunma savaşı veren Apollon Smirnis (yani İzmir’in Apollon’u!). 

Bu İzmirliler, bizim kulüplerimize göre mukayese edilemeyecek derecede kıdemliler, çünkü Panionios, İzmir’de 1890’da, Apollon da İzmir’de 1891 yılında kuruldu.


28 Ekim 2018 Pazar

Dünyanın Siyah Beyaz Futbol Takımları

Ancient Libraries of ASIA


  • Han Imperial Library. Catalogue preserved in the Yiwenzhi chapter of the Book of Han. At the time of inventory contained 596 works divided into six genres; scripture, philosophy, poetry, warfare, astrology, and medicine.
  • Qin reign (third century BCE): It was the practice of Chinese emperors to assemble and maintain their official written archive. The first Qin emperor was a determined opponent of Confucianism, and worked to eradicate texts and teachings of that philosophy. [5]
  • Tang dynasty (6th–10th century): The Tang Dynasty is known as the Golden Age of Imperial Chinese history. Academy libraries were places where young men came to study for civil service exams, and became an important part of the Chinese meritocracy. Private collection of books was also common during this time. Wood-block printing spread throughout the kingdom at this time, making books more affordable. Social status was determined, in part, by the cultural refinement acquired through personal book collections.[5]


The great seats of learning in the ancient Indian subcontinent include:


  • The Academy of Gundishapur in western Iran, established during the Persian Sassanid Empire in the 3rd through 6th centuries in Amol city (Mzandaran province).The breadth of this institution was enormous and included a university, teaching hospital, and a library filled with over 400,000 titles.[15] The academy was the epitome of the Sassanid Empire with its faculty highly proficient in the conventions of Zoroastrianism and ancient Persian as well as classical Indian scholarship.[15]

Ancient Libraries of Mediterranean Basin.

Please click the LINK.

Ephesus Library Photographs


  • Hattusa (1900 B.C. - 1190 B.C.) (modern Bogazkoy)This archive constituted the largest collection of Hittite texts discovered with approximately thirty thousand inscribed cuneiform tablets.[2] The tablets had also been classified according to a precise system.[2]
  • Royal Library of Antioch (221 B.C. - 363 A.D.) (Modern Antakya)The library was commissioned in the third century B.C. by Euphorion of Chalcis by the Greek sovereign Antiochus III the Great.[3] Euphorion was an academic and was also the chief librarian.[4]
  • Library of Pergamum (197 B.C. - 159 B.C.) (modern Bergama)The Attalid kings formed the second best Hellenistic library after Alexandria, founded in emulation of the Ptolemies. When the Ptolemies stopped exporting papyrus, partly because of competitors and partly because of shortages, the Pergamenes invented a new substance to use in codices, called parchment, or pergamum after the city. This was made of fine calfskin, a predecessor of vellum and paper. The library had collected over 200,000 volumes and the reason why the library was so successful was because of Pergamum's hegemony which was a purveyor of scholarship.[5]
  • Library of Celsus (135 A.D. - 262) (located within the city of Ephesus)This library was part of the triumvirate of libraries in the Mediterranean which included the aforementioned Library of Pergamum and the great Library of Alexandria listed below. The library was actually a tomb and a shrine for the deceased Tiberius Julius Celsus Polemaeanus for whom the library is named.[6] 12,000 volumes were collected at this library which were deposited in several cabinets along the wall.[6]
  • The Imperial Library of Constantinople (337–361 A.D. – 29 May 1453) (Constantinople, modern Istanbul)The library was established by Constantius II who was the son of the first Christian emperor Constantine. Constantius requested that the rolls of papyrus should be copied onto parchment or vellum in order that they would be preserved.[7] It is known that several documents from the Library of Alexandria were spared incineration and secured here at the library.[7] Some assessments place the collection at just over 100,000 volumes which included papyrus scrolls and codices bound in parchment,[7] although 120,000 volumes had been destroyed in a fire in a.d. 473.


  • The Royal Library of Alexandria, Egypt, fl. 3rd century BC (c. 295 BC).Founded by Ptolemy, this library was said to have amassed an estimated 400,000 manuscripts and was considered the leading intellectual metropolis of the Hellenistic world.[5] The Serapeum in Alexandria served as an extension of the library.
  • Serapeum of Alexandria, offshoot collection of the great Library of Alexandria
  • Temple of Edfu Archive/Library (237–57 B.C.)This library was an extension of the Temple itself. The walls of this chamber are bestrewn with engravings and captions depicting numerous receptacles filled with manuscripts of papyrus as well as scrolls bound in leather.[8] These documents chronicled the circadian workings of the temple, but also detailed construction drafts and directives on how the temple walls should be decorated.[8]
  • Nag Hammadi Library (Upper Egypt)The Nag Hammadi Library is the label used to collectively refer to thirteen codices comprising fifty texts about Gnosticism.[9]


  • The Library of Aristotle (Athens) (384–321 B.C.)The Library of Aristotle was a private library and the earliest one reported on by ancient chroniclers. It is not known what books nor the number of books that were included in the library. Accounts in antiquity state that the library formed part of the later Library of Alexandria in Egypt.[10]
  • Kos Library (Kos) (100 A.D.)The library was a local public library situated on the enclave Kos known as a crossroads for academia and philosophical faculties.[11] A record of individuals who were supposedly responsible for the establishment of the library are acknowledged in an inscription near the monument.[11]
  • The Library of Pantainos (Athens) (100 A.D.)Sanctified to the doublet of Athena Archegetis and the Roman emperor Hadrian, the library articulated itself to the Agora in Athens.[12] The individual who apportioned this building was Titus Flavius Pantainos and he, along with his children also devoted it to the citizens of Athens.[13] While the precise date of its dedication is not clear, it is believed to have been dedicated between 98 AD and 102 AD.[13] There is speculation that the library may have been built by the father of Pantainos.[13] Being a Roman-period library, the design is quite unconventional. A spacious alcove with an adjoining courtyard enclosed by three galleries formed the arrangement of the structure.[13] An inscription discovered dictates proper library etiquette: "No book is to be taken out because we have sworn an oath. The library is to be open first hour until the sixth."[12] The library was ultimately consumed by the invading Germanic Heruli tribe in 267 AD.[12]
  • The Library of Rhodes (Rhodes) (100 A.D.)The library on the island of Rhodes was a distinct component of the larger gymnasium structure. An enclosure that had been excavated revealed a section of a catalog analogous to modern library catalogs. The catalog, which classified titles by subject, displayed an inventory of authors in consecutive order together with their published efforts. It has also been determined that the library employed a qualified librarian.[11]


  • The Library of Ashurbanipal (established 668–627 BC) in Nineveh (near modern MosulIraq)Long considered to be the first systematically collected library, was rediscovered in the 19th century. While the library had been destroyed, many fragments of the ancient cuneiform tablets survived, and have been reconstructed. Large portions of the Epic of Gilgamesh were among the many finds.[16][17][18]
  • Nippur temple library (2500 B.C.)The earliest version of the Great Flood was discovered here.[19]
  • Nuzi (Modern Yorgan Tepe) (1500 B.C.)This archive consisted of over 6,000 tablets written primarily in Babylonian cuneiform, however a select few were composed in the indigenous Hurrian language.[20]
  • The House of Wisdom (Baghdad) (9th–13th centuries)An Abbasid-era library and Arabic translation institute in BaghdadIraq. 8th century – 1258. The academy was expressed by not only the library, but a celestial observatory.[21] There is a dearth of information on this institution and the majority of knowledge about it comes from the accounts of the Muslim scholar and bibliographer Ibn al-Nadim.[21]




  • Ebla (2500 B.C. – 2250 B.C.)Constitute the oldest organized library yet discovered: see Ebla tablets.[25]
  • Ugarit (Modern Ras Shamra) (1200 B.C.)Several thousand texts consisting of diplomatic archives, census records, literary works and the earliest privately owned libraries yet recovered.[26] Even though the tablets were written in several different languages, the most important aspect of the library were the 1400 texts written in a previously unknown tongue called Ugaritic.[26]
  • Tell Leilan (Northeast Syria) (1900 B.C.)This archive housed over a thousand clay tablets [27]
  • Mari (Modern Tell Hariri) (1900 B.C.)The archive held approximately 15,000 tablets which included works on litigation, letters, foreign negotiations, literary, and theological works [28]
  • Sufiya Mosque Library, Grand Umayyad Mosque (Aleppo) (12th Century)More than 10,000 volumes were housed in this library which were entrusted to the mosque by Prince Sayf al-Dawla.[29]

Düşünce Dünyası, Vedat Bilgin

Düşünmek zor zanaat!

25 Ekim 2018 Perşembe

Türk sağında aydın sorunu!

22 Ekim 2018 Pazartesi

Aydın sorunu veya yerli düşünce

18 Ekim 2018 Perşembe

Putları kırmak

15 Ekim 2018 Pazartesi

Palestine, Mesopotamia, Arabian Peninsula http://www.turkeyswar.com/bibliography/


Palestine, Mesopotamia, Arabian Peninsula
Aaronsohn, A. “Türk Ordusuyla Filistin’de: Bir Yahudi Askerin Birinci Dünya Savaşı Notları” (With the Turkish Army in Palestine: A Jewish Soldiers’ Notes from the First World War), Selis Kitaplar, Istanbul, 2003.
Aksoley, İ., “Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa’dan Kuva-yı Milliye’ye” (From the Special Organization to National Forces), Timaş Yayınları, Istanbul, 2009.
Albayrak, M. and Engin, V., “Kutülamare Zaferi 1916” (The Victyory of Kut-al-Amara 1916), Yeditepe Yayınevi, 2017.
Atay, F.R., “Zeytindağı” (The Olive Mountain), Pozitif Yayınları, Istanbul, 2004 (first published in 1932).
Atay, F.R., “Ateş ve Güneş” (Fire and Sun), Pozitif Yayınları, Istanbul, 2008 (first published in 1918).
Barr, J., “Setting the Desert on Fire: T.E. Lawrence and Britain’s Secret War in Arabia”, Bloomsbury, London, 2007.
Bruce, A., “The Last Crusade: The Palestine Campaign in the First World War”, John Murray Publishers, London, 2003.
Çulcu, M., “Arşivi Kaybolan Savaş: Sina, Filistin, Suriye Cephesi” (The War with the Lost Archive: Sinai, Palestine, Syria Fronts), Kastaş Yayınevi, Istanbul, 2009.
Doğruer, A.S. (Mirliva Sedat), “Filistin’e Veda: Yıldırım Ordularının Bozgunu” (Farewell to Palestine: The Defeat of Yıldırım Armies), Yeditepe Yayınevi, Istanbul, 2009 (adapted from the original in Ottoman Turkish by Gurulkan, K.).
Erden, A.F., “Birinci Dünya Harbi’nde Suriye Hatıraları” (Syria Memoirs in the First World War), İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Istanbul, 2003.

Erickson, E.J., “Palestine: The Ottoman Campaigns of 1914-1918”, Pen & Sword, Barnsley, 2016.
Er-Reis, R.N., “Osmanlıların Çöküş Döneminde Arap Casusları” (Arab Spies during the Period of Ottoman Decline), Selenge Yayınları, Istanbul, 2006 (translated by Batur, D.A. from the Arabic original).
Ertaş, M.Y. and Kılıçarslan, H. (ed.), “Kutül Amare 1916″ (Kut-al-Amara 1916), Kronik Kitap, Istanbul, 2017.
Ford, R., “Eden to Armageddon: World War I in the Middle East”, Phoenix, London, 2010.
Fromkin, D., “A Peace to End All Peace”, Owl Books, New York, 2001. (first published in 1989)
Guhr, H. “Als türkischer Divisionskommandeur in Kleinasien und Palästina” (As a Turkish Division Commander in Asia Minor and Palestine), Siwinna, Berlin, 1937 (translated into Turkish by Özbilen, E. under the title “Türklerle Omuz Omuza” published in 2007).
Günay, S., “Bizi Kimlere Bırakıp Gidiyorsun Türk? Suriye ve Filistin Anıları” (Who Are You Leaving Us With, Turk? Memoirs of Syria and Palestine), İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Istanbul, 2006.
Güralp, Ş., “Çanakkale Cephesinden Filistin’e: Bir Askerin Günlüğünden” (From the Çanakkale Front to Palestine: From the Diary of a Soldier), Güncel Yayıncılık, Istanbul, 2003.

Johnson, R. “The Great War in the Middle East”, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016.
Kabacalı, A., “Arap Çöllerinde Türkler” (Turks in Arabian Deserts), Cem Yayınevi, Istanbul, 2003.
Kandemir, F., “Fahreddin Paşa’nin Medine Müdafaası” (Fahreddin Paşa’s Defence of Medina), Yağmur Yayınları, Istanbul, 2006 (first published in 1971).
Kıcıman, N.K., “Medine Müdafaası: Hicaz Bizden Nasıl Ayrıldı” (Defence of Medina: How We Lost Hejaz), Sebil Yayınevi, Istanbul, 1971.
King Abdullah el-Hussein of Jordan, “Biz Osmanlı’ya Neden İsyan Ettik?” (Why We Rebelled Against the Ottomans), Klasik Yayınları, Istanbul, 2006 (translated by Özkan. H. from the Arabic original).
Kuşçubaşı, E., “Turkish Battle at Khaybar”, Arba Yayınları, Arba Yayınları, Istanbul, 1997 (translated/edited by Stoddard, P.H. and Danışman H.B.).
Lawrence, T.E., “Seven Pillars of Wisdom”, Wordsworth Editions, London, 1997. (first published in 1935)
Özyüksel, M., “Hicaz Demiryolu” (Hejaz Railway), Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, Istanbul, 2000.
Rutledge, I., “Enemy on the Euphrates: The Battle for Iraq 1914-1921″, Saqi Books, 2015.
Serezli Mehmet Ragıp, “Rus ve İngilizlere Karşı Bir Osmanlı Zabiti 1917-1918” (An Ottoman Officer Against the Russians and the British 1917-1918), Timaş Yayınları, Istanbul, 2011.
Townshend, C., “When God Made Hell: The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq 1914-1921”, Faber and Faber, London, 2010.
Uğurlu, Ö.A., “Yemen: Savaşanlar Anlatıyor” (Yemen: As Told by Those Who Fought), Örgün Yayınevi, Istanbul, 2007.
Von Kressenstein, K., “Türklerle Beraber Süveyş Kanalına” (To the Suez Canal with the Turks), Genelkurmay Yayınları, Istanbul, 1943 (translated by Özalpsan, M.B. from the German original “Mit den Türken zum Suezkanal” first published in Berlin, 1938; a more recent translation by Balaban, T. was published under the title “Son Haçlı Seferi: Kuma Gömülen İmparatorluk” in 2007).
Official History, “Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türk Harbi – Hicaz, Asir, Yemen Cepheleri ve Libya Harekatı” (Turkish Battles in the First World War – Hijaz, Asir, Yemen Fronts and Operations in Libya), Genelkurmay Yayınları, Ankara, 1978.

Düşünmek zor zanaat!

Düşünmek zor zanaat!

“Türkiye’nin sağında ve solunda düşünce sorununun kaynaklarını araştırırken ‘siyaset’ eski gündeme döndü; bitmiş bir mesele Danıştay’ın o manidar zamanlamasıyla, mahkemenin anayasa ihlali anlamına da gelen, yetki aşımı kararıyla yeniden ülkenin önüne kondu. Esas amacı ‘Cumhur ittifakına’ yönelik bir operasyonu akıllara getiren bu olayı doğru değerlendirmek gerekmektedir; daha önce yazdığımız gibi ‘Cumhur ittifakı’ herhangi bir seçim ittifakı değil, ülke için bir varlık ve gelecek duyarlılığına dayanan bir iradenin neticesinde ortaya çıkmıştır.”
Türkiye’yi yeniden geride bıraktığı, aştığı konular etrafında meşgul etmek isteyenleri bir tarafa bırakıp, esas meseleleri konuşmaya devam etmek durumundayız. Neden ‘sağ ve sol’ aydınlarımız yaratıcı aklı harekete geçirip yeni fikirler üretemiyorlar.
“Hadi ‘soldakiler’ bu ülkenin tarihsel geçmişiyle, kültürel birikimiyle problemlidirler yani tarihin gördüğü en uzun ömürlü, en büyük iki İmparatorluğu olan Osmanlıyla onun kurumlarıyla, mirasıyla sorunları vardır; dolayısıyla tepkisel bir tavır içinde oldukları medeniyet değerlerinden beslenemedikleri, ‘kimlik krizi’ içinde bulundukları için düşünsel bir varlık gösteremiyorlar peki, bu alanlarla sorunları olmayan ‘sağdakilerin’ hali nicedir? Bu durumda sebepleri başka yerlerde aramak gerekmez mi?”
Düşüncenin gelişmesi hiçbir zaman düz doğrusal bir seyir izlemez; bir toplum düşünce seyri olarak mitolojik düşünce aşamasından, mantıksal düşünce aşamasına, teolojik, felsefi ya da bilimsel düşünce aşamasına geçebileceği gibi, rasyonel, felsefi, bilimsel düşünceden, geriye de dönebilir. Toplumun gelişme süreçleri, uluslararası ilişkilerde karşılaştığı, siyasal yapıda yaşadığı sorunlar, kurumların kalitesi, aydınların zihniyet dünyası, devlet tolum ilişkileri ve elbette özgürlük meselesi, bireyin konumu gibi hususlar tarafından şekillendirilir.
Türkiye’nin toplumsal gelişme süreçlerinde, bilhassa İmparatorluk döneminde iki kırılma noktasında ortaya çıkan olayların düşünce dünyasını olumsuz etkilediği söylenebilir. Bunlardan biri, İmparatorluk eğitim kurumlarında matematiksel, mantıksal ve felsefi düşüncenin tasfiye edilip bunun yerine tekrara dayanan konuların ağırlık kazandığı, Osmanlı eğitim kurumlarında bilimden uzaklaşmaya yol açan neticelerle (ben buna ‘edebiyata boğulma’ diyorum), on yedinci yüz yıldan sonra aşikâr hale gelen süreçlerle ilgilidir. Felsefeyi, bilimi, matematiği, rasathaneyi, hatta İbni Sina’nın tıp kitaplarını yasaklayan zihniyet tam anlamıyla yıkıcı etkiler yapmıştır.
Diğer kırılma Tanzimat’la başlayan, düşüncenin bürokratize olduğu süreci ifade eder. Osmanlı bilim ve düşünce adamları on yedinci yüzyılda karşılaşılan sorunlar altında yaşarken de sivil bir konumdadırlar; vakıf niteliğindeki eğitim kurumları ağırlıktadır ve düşünce zemini buralardır. Bürokrasinin devlet içindeki konumunun güçlenmesi, zaten ciddi bir düşünce krizi yaşayan ‘fikir hayatının’ devlet bürokratlarının ağırlık kazandığı bir yapıya kaymasına yol açmıştır.
“Devlet elitlerinden oluşan ‘resmi aydınlara’ geçiş bu sürecin eseridir. Burada sorunlardan biri, düşüncenin bürokratize olması; diğeri, devletten güç alan resmi aydınların despotizmi; bir diğeri ise, batılılaşma akımı içinde, kendi kültürleriyle problemli aydın türünün ortaya çıkışıdır. Bu olayların düşünce aşamalarında geriye gidişleri, pozitivist dogmatizm başta olmak üzere eleştirel felsefi bilimsel düşünceye açık olmayan tortularını bugün ‘sağda ve solda’ görmek şaşırtıcı sayılmamalıdır.”

Milletlerin karşılaştırmalı üstünlükleri

  • Almanlar sanayi üretiminden kazanırlar, 
  • İngilizler ise uluslararası ilişkilerden, 
  • Fransızlar yine İngilizler gibi bazı üretimler ve uluslararası ilişkilerden, 
  • Hollandalılar finansal dinamikler üretmekten, 
  • Arapların elit kesimi önemli oranda petrolden ve 
  • ABD; bilim, yeni teknoloji, uluslararası hegemonik kompleksler kurmaktan, doların konvertibilitesinden ve finansal enstrümanlardan kazanır.

Müslümanların Coğrafya Tarihine Bugüne Kadar Bilinmeyen İnanılmaz Büyük Katkısı

Ticaret savaşları çağında, Kuşak ve Yol Girişimi’ne nasıl bakalım?

Barter ve Erdoğan


Science and Civilisation in China, Joseph Needham

eser 7 cilt. 12 ciltlik baskısı da var. tam metni webde

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Ankara - Dil Tar.Coğ.Fak.:
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       physics, engineering, and technology. -- 6.: Chemistry and industrial
       chemistry. -- 7.: Biology, agriculture, and medicine. -- 8.: the
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       fold.) ; $c 26 cm.
500    $a Half title of v. 5, pt. 6, 9, 11, 13, v. 6, pt. 3, v. 7, pt. 1-2 in
       Chinese characters: Zhongguo ke xue ji shu shi.
504    $a Includes bibliographies and indexes.
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       earth.--v. 4. Physics and physical technology: pt. 1. Physics, with the
       collaboration of Wang Ling and the special co-operation of Kenneth Girdwood
       Robinson. pt. 2. Mechanical engineering.--  v.5/Pt.6 Chemistry and chemical
       technology:military technology, missiles and sieges.
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050 00 $a DS721 $b .N39
100 1  $a Needham, Joseph, $d 1900-
245 10 $a Science and civilisation in China / $c by Joseph Needham.
260    $a Cambridge [Eng.] $b University Press, $c 1954-<2000   >
300    $a  $b illus., maps (part fold.) $c 26 cm.
500    $a Half title of v. 5, pt. 6, 9, 13, v. 6, pt. 3, v. 7, pt. 1 in Chinese
       characters: Chung-kuo ko hsüeh chi shu shih.
504    $a Includes bibliographies and indexes.
505 1  $g v.1. $t Introductory orientations.-- $g v.2. $t History of scientific
       thought.-- $g v.3. $t Mathematics and the sciences of the heavens and the
       earth.-- $g v.4. $t Physics and physical technology: pt. 1. Physics, with
       the collaboration of Wang Ling and the special co-operation of Kenneth
       Girdwood Robinson. pt. 2. Mechanical engineering. pt. 3. Civil engineering
       and nautics with the collaboration of Wang Ling and Lu Gwei-Djen.-- $g v.5.
       $t Chemistry and chemical technology: pt. 1. Paper and printing / by Tsien
       Tsuen-hsuin. pt. 2. Spagyrical discovery and invention: magisteries of gold
       and immortality, with the collaboration of Lu Gwei-Djen. pt. 3. Spagyrical
       discovery and invention: historical survey, from cinnabar elixirs to
       synthetic insulin. pt. 4. Spagyrical discovery and invention: apparatus,
       theories, and gifts. pt. 5. Spagyrical discovery and invention :
       physiological alchemy / with the collaboration of Lu Gwei-Djen. pt. 6.
       Military technology, missiles and sieges. pt. 7. Military technology, the
       gunpowder epic. pt. 9. Textile technology, spinning and reeling / by Dieter
       Kuhn. pt. 13. Mining / by Peter J. Golas.-- $g v.6. $t  Biology and
       biological technology. pt. 1. Botany. pt. 2. Agriculture / by Francesca
       Bray. pt. 3. Agro-industries and forestry / by Christian Daniels, Nicholas
       K. Menzies. pt. 6. Medicine -- $g v.7. $t Language and logic / by Christoph
       Harbsmeier. pt.1. General Conclusions and Reflections  / by Kenneth
       Girdwood Robinsin. pt.2.
590    $a ORDER 2005 (v.5 pt.12)
650  0 $a Science $z China $x History.
650  0 $a Technology $z China $x History.
650  0 $a Science and civilization.
651  0 $a China $x Civilization.
700 1  $a Wang, Ling.
740 0  $a Chung-kuo kʻo hsüeh chi shu shih.
Koç - Merkez:
• MARC Kaydını İndir
• Koç - Merkez Kataloğunda Tara:
    · Kayıt No ileb1049699
• Koç - Merkez Kataloğu
LDR 02262nam a2200277 a 4500
001 985503743
008 840229m19549999enkab    b    00110 eng  
020    $a 052132727X (v. 5, pt. 6)
050 00 $a DS721 $b .N39
100 1  $a Needham, Joseph, $d 1900-1995.
245 10 $a Science and civilisation in China, $c by Joseph Needham.
260    $a Cambridge : $b University Press, $c 1954.
300    $a  $b illus., maps
       (part fold.) $c 26 cm.
336    $a text $2 rdacontent.
337    $a unmediated $2 rdamedia.
338    $a volume $2 rdacarrier.
500    $a 1954-1994.
500    $a Half title of v. 5, pt. 6, 9, v. 6, pt. 3 in Chinese characters:
       Chung-kuo kʻo hsüeh chi shu shih.
504    $a Includes bibliographies and indexes.
505 1  $a v. 1. Introductory orientations.--v. 2. History of scientific
       thought.--v. 3. Mathematics and the sciences of the heavens and the
       earth.--v. 4. Physics and physical technology: pt. 1. Physics, with the
       collaboration of Wang Ling and the special co-operation of Kenneth Girdwood
       Robinson. pt. 2. Mechanical engineering. pt. 3. Civil engineering and
       nautics with the collaboration of Wang Ling and Lu Gwei-Djen.--v. 5.
       Chemistry and chemical technology: pt. 1. Paper and printing / by Tsien
       Tsuen-hsuin. pt. 2. Spagyrical discovery and invention: magisteries of gold
       and immortality, with the collaboration of Lu Gwei-Djen. pt. 3. Spagyrical
       discovery and invention: historical survey, from cinnabar elixirs to
       synthetic insulin. pt. 4. Spagyrical discovery and invention: apparatus,
       theories, and gifts. pt. 5. Spagyrical discovery and invention :
       physiological alchemy / with the collaboration of Lu Gwei-Djen. pt. 6.
       Military technology, missiles and sieges. pt. 7. Military technology, the
       gunpowder epic. pt. 9. Textile technology, spinning and reeling / by Dieter
       Kuhn.--v. 6. Biology and biological technology. pt. 1. Botany. pt. 2.
       Agriculture / by Francesca Bray. pt. 3. Agro-industries and forestry / by
       Christian Daniels, Nicholas K. Menzies.
651  0 $a China $x Civilization.
650  0 $a Science $z China $x History.
650  0 $a Technology $z China $x History.
650  0 $a Science and civilization.
700 1  $a Wang, Ling.
740 0  $a Chung-kuo kʻo hsüeh chi shu shih.
ODTÜ - Merkez:
• MARC Kaydını İndir
• ODTÜ - Merkez Kataloğunda Tara:
    · Kayıt No ileb1013123
• ODTÜ - Merkez Kataloğu
LDR 04944nam a2200805   4500
001 ocm00542767
008 960111m19549999enkab    b    001 0 eng  
010    $a    54004723  //r885
020    $a 052132727X  $c (v. 5, pt. 6)
020    $a 0521320216  $c (v. 5, pt. 9)
049    $a TOQA
050    $a DS721 $b .N39 
100 1  $a Needham, Joseph, $d 1900-1995.
245 10 $a Science and civilisation in China / $c by Joseph Needham.
260    $a Cambridge [Eng.] : $b University Press, $c 1954-<1988   >
300    $a  : $b ill.,
       maps (part fold.) ; $c 26 cm.
500    $a Half title of v. 5, pt. 9 in Chinese characters: Chung-kuo ko hsüeh
       chi shu shih.
504    $a Includes bibliographies and indexes.
505 1  $a v. 1. Introductory orientations.--v. 2. History of scientific
       thought.--v. 3. Mathematics and the sciences of the heavens and the
       earth.--v. 4. Physics and physical technology: pt. 1. Physics, with the
       collaboration of Wang Ling and the special co-operation of Kenneth Girdwood
       Robinson. pt. 2. Mechanical engineering. pt. 3. Civil engineering and
       nautics with the collaboration of Wang Ling and Lu Gwei-Djen.--v. 5.
       Chemistry and chemical technology: pt. 1. Paper and printing / by Tsien
       Tsuen-hsuin. pt. 2. Spagyrical discovery and invention: magisteries of gold
       and immortality, with the collaboration of Lu Gwei-Djen. pt. 3. Spagyrical
       discovery and invention: historical survey, from cinnabar elixirs to
       synthetic insulin. pt. 4. Spagyrical discovery and invention: apparatus,
       theories, and gifts. pt. 5. Spagyrical discovery and invention :
       physiological alchemy / with the collaboration of Lu Gwei-Djen. pt. 7.
       Military technology, the gunpowder epic. pt. 9. Textile technology,
       spinning and reeling / by Dieter Kuhn.--v. 6. Biology and biological
       technology. pt. 1. Botany. pt. 2. Agriculture / by Francesca Bray.-v.7;
       pt.1 Language and logic.
-------------------------------------. Yeditepe:
• MARC Kaydını İndir
• Yeditepe Kataloğunda Tara:
    · Demirbaş No ile0082867
• Yeditepe Kataloğu
LDR 02001nam a2200205uu 4500
003 TR-IsYBT
005 20070518111959.0
008 070518r[2001954tu                  tur  
020    $a 052105799x (v. 1) 
050    $a DS 721 $b .S35 N374 [2005]
100    $a Needham, Joseph,1900- 
245 1  $a Science and civilisation in China / $c Joseph,1900- Needham  ; by
       Joseph Needham.
260    $a Cambridge [Eng.]: $b University Press, $c [2005]
300    $a  illus., maps
       (part fold.)26 cm. 
500    $a Half title of v. 5, pt. 9 in Chinese characters: Chung-kuo k`o hsüeh
       chi shu shih.  $x Includes bibliographical references and indexes.  $x v.
       1. Introductory orientations -- v. 2. History of  scientific thought -- v.
       3. Mathematics and the sciences  of the heavens and the earth -- v. 4.
       Physics and physical technology: pt. 1. Physics, with the collaboration of
       Wang Ling and the special co-operation of Kenneth Girdwood  Robinson. pt.
       2. Mechanical engineering. pt. 3. Civil  engineering and nautics with the
       collaboration of Wang  Ling and Lu Gwei-Djen -- v. 5. Chemistry and
       chemical  technology: pt. 1. Paper and printing / by Tsien Tsuen- hsuin.
       pt. 2. Spagyrical discovery and invention:  magisteries of gold and
       immortality, with the  collaboration of Lu Gwei-Djen. pt. 3. Spagyrical
       discovery and invention: historical survey, from cinnabar elixirs to
       synthetic insulin. pt. 4. Spagyrical discovery and  invention: apparatus,
       theories, and gifts. pt. 5.  Spagyrical discovery and invention :
       physiological alchemy / with the collaboration of Lu Gwei-Djen. pt. 7.
       Military  technology, the gunpowder epic. pt. 9. Textile technology,
       spinning and reeling / by Dieter Kuhn -- v. 6. Biology and biological
       technology. pt. 1. Botany. pt. 2. Agriculture / by Francesca Bray. 
650  0 $a Science  $x  China  $x  History. 
650  0 $a Technology  $x  China  $x  History. 
650  0 $a Science and civilization. 
650  0 $a China  $x  Civilization. 
902    $a 0082867