The mississippi delta was shining
Like a national guitar
I am following the river
Down the highway
Through the cradle of the civil war
I'm going to graceland
In memphis tennessee
I'm going to graceland
Poorboys and pilgrims with families
And we are going to graceland
My traveling companion is nine years old
He is the child of my first marriage
But I've reason to believe
We both will be received
In graceland
She comes back to tell me she's gone
As if I didn't know that
As if I didn't know my own bed
As if I'd never noticed
The way she brushed her hair from her forehead
And she said losing love
Is like a window in your heart
Everybody sees you're blown apart
Everybody sees the wind blow
I'm going to graceland
Memphis tennessee
I'm going to graceland
Poorboys and pilgrims with families
And we are going to graceland
And my traveling companions
Are ghosts and empty sockets
I'm looking at ghosts and empties
But I've reason to believe
We all will be received
In graceland
There is a girl in new york city
Who calls herself the human trampoline
And sometimes when I'm falling, flying
Or tumbling in turmoil I say
Oh, so this is what she means
She means we're bouncing into graceland
And I see losing love
Is like a window in your heart
Everybody sees you're blown apart
Everybody sees the wind blow
In graceland, in graceland
I'm going to graceland
For reasons I cannot explain
There's some part of me wants to see
And I may be obliged to defend
Every love, every ending
Or maybe there's no obligations now
Maybe I've a reason to believe
We all will be received
In graceland
paul simon'ın 3 yıllık afrika macerası dönüşünde yaptığı albüm.
paul simon, o siralarda apartheid politikasindan dolayi dunya capinda ambargoya maruz kalmis olan guney afrika'ya gidip oradaki muzisyenlerle calistigi icin epey elestirilmistir zamaninda. oysa ki ne guzel yapmistir, hem zaten adam gidip irkci beyazlarla calismadi, ezilmekte olan siyah muzisyenlerle album yapti.
neyse politik tarafi bir yana, 80'lerde yapilmis en guzel albumlerden biriydi. 1986'da yayinlandi, ben de ilk kez trt ekraninda the boy in the bubble'i gordukten sonra muserref olmustum. zamansizligi ile guzel olan, hic bir zaman eskimeyen bir albumdur. ayrica batili muzisyenin ucuncu dunya ulkesine gidip yerel muzisyenlerle album yapma klisesini 80'lerde tekrar diriltmistir de denebilir. bu album olmasaydi, 80'lerin sonlarinin ve 90'larin world music tarzi olur muydu, allah bilir..
bir kac sarki tavsiye etmek gerekirse, the boy in the bubble, diamonds on the soles of her shoes ve homeless derim.
albumde zuhur etmis sarkilar isbu asagida verilmistir, buyrunuz:
1 the boy in the bubble
2 graceland
3 i know what i know
4 gumboots
5 diamonds on the soles of her shoes
6 you can call me al
7 under african skies
8 homeless
9 crazy love, vol. ii
10 that was your mother
11 all around the world / the myth of fingerprints
paul simon bir roportajinda en sevdiği şarkısı olduğunu söylemiştir.

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